Raoul Dufy
By the mid-1920s Dufy had established his radical personal style of painting, which was to characterise his artistic production yet to come. The accessibility and ‘joie de vivre’ of the paintings and drawings of Dufy’s mature period attracted an increasingly larger audience making him an extremely successful painter all over Europe as well as across the world. Both the style and the subject matter of his paintings talk of joyous events that reflect his bright approach to life. As he matured he developed a technique that enabled him to paint, in his own words, “…the way I see things with my eyes and in my heart”.
Horse racing, an activity in which Dufy took much delight, was the primary inspiration for a whole body of his work: his fascination with this subject is beautifully illustrated in “Courses a Deauville”. Considered the “queen of the Norman beaches”, Deauville is famous for its harbour and characteristic marinas but also for its racecourses. La Touques is a stunning, expansive racecourse that captivated Dufy throughout his career.
This watercolour exemplifies the spontaneity, vibrancy and sense of adventure of Dufy’s mature style. His individual manner of dissociating colour from line – hallmark of his mature style - characterises this watercolour. An astonishing balance of radiant thinly washed colour, previously applied in patches, makes up the background over which Dufy’s elegant figures seem to glide.
Gallery Pétridés, Paris
Sotheby’s, New York, 8 November 2006, lot 471
Sotheby’s, London, 4 February 2010, lot 164
Connaught Brown, London (purchased from the above)
Private Collection, UK (purchased from the above)
This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Fanny Guillon-Laffaille under number A06-1627 and dated 12 October 2006
This work is to be included in the supplement to the catalogue raisonné des aquarelles, gouaches et pastels de Raoul Dufy currently being prepared by Fanny Guillon-Laffaille.